Crocheting the Hyperbolic Plane:
A Talk by David Henderson and Daina Taimina
Date: Saturday, 5 February 2005, 5 pm
Location: The Kitchen, 512 W 19th St, New York
$5. No RSVP necessary

Courtesy Steve Rowell/The Institute for Figuring
This talk, co-organized by Cabinet, the Institute for Figuring, and the Kitchen, coincides with the Institute’s interview of Cornell mathematicians David Henderson and Daina Taimina featured in Cabinet issue 16.
Henderson and Taimina will discuss their discovery of crocheted models of hyperbolic space, a geometric form found in the crenellation of lettuce leaves, the anatomy of sea slugs, and the shape of the physical cosmos. Margaret Wertheim, Director of the Institute for Figuring, will be the moderator.