Screening and Discussion /
“Powers of Ten”
Date: Wednesday, 6 October 2010, 7–9 pm
Location: Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York
FREE. No RSVP necessary
A co-presentation with Science & the Arts at CUNY

To celebrate 10/10/10 (a few days early), Cabinet and the Science & the Arts program at CUNY co-present a tribute to the classic short film Powers of Ten by designers Charles and Ray Eames. The film is a nine-minute journey of scale, from the infinitesimal to the cosmic. One of the most widely seen short films of all time, Powers of Ten has influenced pop culture from The Simpsons to Coldplay, from Hummer commercials to Men in Black.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with Beatriz Colomina (founding director of the Program in Media and Modernity at Princeton University), D. Graham Burnett (historian of science, Princeton University), and Eames Demetrios, grandson of the filmmakers, who is dedicated to communicating, preserving, and extending their work.
This program is made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts.