Curiosity and Method: Ten Years of Cabinet Magazine
Hardcover, 528 pages, 9 (w) × 11.25 (h) inches
Color and black-and-white illustrations
Cabinet Books, 2013, second printing
Support independent publishing: $35 directly from us; $30 for subscribers
This anthology gathers some of the most interesting successes, and a few instructive failures, published in the first forty issues of Cabinet. Taking the form of an illustrated encyclopedia, the collection includes idiosyncratic entries such as Addiction, Animal Architecture, Goalkeeping, Micronation, Otolith, Sandal, Worlding, and Zoosemiotics. This hardcover book is over 500 pages long and a must for the intellectually curious!
Contributors include
Jonathan Allen, Jonathan Ames, Sasha Archibald, AUDC, Aziz + Cucher, Alain Badiou, Magnus Bärtås, Barbara Benedict, Mats Bigert, Daniel Birnbaum, Mary Walling Blackburn, Norman Brosterman, Matthew Buckingham, Gianluigi Buffon, D. Graham Burnett, Sam Burton, Jeff Byles, Jon Calame, Colby Chamberlain, Irene Cheng, Emilie Clark, John Cliett, Paul Collins, Christoph Cox, Geoff Cox, Simon Critchley, Lorraine Daston, Mariana Castillo Deball, Leland de la Durantaye, Mark Dery, Brian Dillon, Sean Dockray, Steve Rowell & Fiona Whitton, Jeff Dolven, Spencer Finch, Paul Fleming, Yara Flores, Joshua Foer, Rubén Gallo, Liam Gillick, Romy Golan, Leon Golub (artist), Leon Golub (astrophysicist), Leon Golub (psychoanalyst), Douglas Gordon, Anthony Grafton, Joseph Grigely, Valentin Groebner, Rachel Gugelberger, Louise Harpman & Scott Specht, Daniel Heller-Roazen, David Henderson & Daina Taimina, Angie Hobbs, Shelley Jackson, Adam Jasper, Edward Jessen, Denis Johnson, Colin Jones, Ben Kafka, Jeffrey Kastner, Emma Kay, Kathleen Kete, Wayne Koestenbaum, Josh Kun, Paul La Farge, Paul Laity, Jesse Lerner, Jonathan Lethem, David Levine, Paul Maliszewski, Carol Mavor, Kevin McCann, Josiah McElheny, Brian McMullen, Joe Milutis, Helen Mirra, Albert Mobilio, Luke Murphy, Alexander Nagel, Sina Najafi, Geoffrey O’Brien, Matthew Passmore, George Pendle, Jenny Perlin, Amy Jean Porter, George Prochnik, Francine Prose, Hugh Raffles, Frances Richard, Matthew Ritchie, Daniel Rosenberg, William Safire, Dorion Sagan, Scott A. Sandage, Barry Sanders, Luc Sante, Aaron Schuster, David Serlin, Lytle Shaw, William H. Sherman, Justin E. H. Smith, Victor I. Stoichita, Christopher Turner, Larry Tye, Rachel Urkowitz, Tom Vanderbilt, Thomas A. P. Van Leeuwen, Marina van Zuylen, Kazys Varnelis, Nadia Wagner, Marina Warner, Allen S. Weiss, Margaret Wertheim, Molly Whalen, Gregory Whitehead, Gregory Williams, Rosalind Williams, Jay Worthington, Slavoj Žižek, and Tirdad Zolghadr